Sunday, May 31, 2015


Bob Hope once said “If you haven’t got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble”. Hip Hop cares is the organisation that understand this little saying; Hip Hop cares also known as HHC is the foundation that understands the above phrase. I got in touch with the man (Mandisi Dizz Kekana)
Dizz @ work
behind Hip Hop cares foundation to hear a lot more about this great foundation and I must applaud the man and his team for the good work and sacrifices the do for charity purpose.

Hip Hop Cares Foundation is a registered non-profit organization regulated by the Non-Profit Organization Act, 1997. The organization came into inception in June 2013 and got registered and recognized by government in August 2014 they are tasked with the burden to bridge the social and financial gaps between different classes of limping communities. It focuses on alleviating poverty and aiding other charities on their short comings. Their main focus has been education and in attempts to fix the whole structure of a child’s up bringing they have to assist their parents and homes. Hip Hop Cares further promotes local arts and culture by appreciating local talent. Their aim is to keep the youth engaged in activities that shift their mind-set to positive change and eventually create a scholarship scheme that give kids from gray backgrounds a chance to study further.
This institution can be a better platform if the Government can put a hand into it. The have made numerous attempts to get an aid from them without success.

Thanks go to communities, Rappers and fans who randomly donate to the organisation and the local businesses like CB STORES Burgersfort which donates brand new clothes, Uberlifestyle, Joeygraphix, deep sounds and sound Depth are also part of the family. I appeal to more businesses to be involved in this so that the can achieve their goals.


Hip Hop Cares foundation runs the vibrant Hip Hop cares awards to show appreciation to local talent and other species, they also hook an annual gig. I asked Dizz about the R 20 entrance fee in which also includes artists paying for it, some artists criticized this route stating that it is not fair for them to pay to perform. This is what Dizz said to clear the smoke.” The name says it all ...HIP HOP CARES. We are a charity foundation that harnessed the power of Hip Hop to care for the impoverished communities we are from. When one donates or contributes, they must know what the value of their contribution is and where that contribution does go. We appreciate every performer who works with us. You have created something unique because it’s from your hearts!! The entrance fee issue is a serious yet punitive one. After suggestion that the entrance fee must be lifted for performers we assessed our options. We were allocated funding to lift the entrance fee but a criteria was developed. If someone contributed their performance at our previous gig which is HHC AWARDS 2014 they will get in for free. This is because we want to celebrate those who support us even when things are not so good. It is important to note that Hip Hop Cares is a platform not a gig.
This means we have an open program, this leads to having a large number of the people attending being artists. How will we cover the costs of our charity work and continue to make events if we lose half of our income? If we want to make it free like suggested it means we need to start booking artists. This means less artists will perform and that defeats the objective of a platform, bare in mind that if an artist brings 4 fans, they automatically get in for free. This is to encourage artists to bring their fans and not blood suck the fan base of other artists an artist said “I cannot pay to perform, I respect my talent.  ...Are we saying when Drake, Lady Gaga, P.Diddy. BeyoncĂ© and other rich, talented and well known artist perform for free and give millions of dollars away they don’t respect their talent? In principle artists do not pay entrance fee, they just have to use the options available to them. Bring 4 fans or Support us so when we get benefits to share, we consider you first.”

We @ The 013 Hip Hop hope that more and more businesses come on board as well as the government so that the organisation can be financially stable for the sake of unprivileged children.  


The next Hip Hop cares event is taking place on the 11th of July 2015 @ UBER with special appearance by Molly AKA Superman Omnyama. For more info Dizz can be contacted on 071 358 8008. Facebook page,  find them also @HipHopCaresSA on twitter and instagram 

Friday, May 22, 2015

In Touch With SkillZ

The 013 Hip Hop got in touch with Rapaddict SkillZ, the man popularly known for his song Taking Shots (diss song to Cru Mayor). I arranged an interview with him and this is how it went.


Jo Wise: Halla SkillZ you good?


SkillZ: Yeah I'm fresh homie, thanks for the opportunity, I'm blessed.


JW: I should be thanking you for giving me your time homie. You got into my legendary books after (taking shots) we'll get to that later. Now who is Skillz and where is he from?


Breathing Music
SK: SkillZ real name Lottie Sekhukhune is a rapper just trying to build and expand the name. Born and raised in Lecowza, shout out to the kasi, spend my primary years in a school called Lord Milner where my homie Tebza gave me the name SkillZ.


JW: Lebowakgomo hey? And how did you end in BGF. And what pushed Tebza to come up with the name Skillz?


SK: It was boarding school, so Tebza, this one girl, Khosi and I shared the love of Hip Hop. Passed time by rap music and sharing lines. I remember at the end of one of my verse, homie Tebza said boy u got 'Skillz', so I let the name be. After primary I moved to BGF to go to high school in St Thomas.


JW: Interesting and how old were you when you got stung by a Hip Hop bug?


SK: I got stung when I was 12 years old


JW: What inspires you as an artist and who did you grow up listening to?


SK: I try to learn as much as I can from everyone I converse with, so that comes as
On the Mic
inspiration. I grew up listening to Slim Shady, Kanye West with albums like College Dropout, Late Registration, Graduation, Jay-Z BLACK ALBUM, Ab Soul LONGTERM series, SlaughterHouse, Nas Illmatic, Wiz... The list won't stop


JW: Interesting list. I believe your fans right now would love to hear more about Taking Shots (diss song to Cru mayor). What provoked the beef?


SK: This Is HIP HOP, fans are entitled to their own opinion, but when rapper to another when you say some shit, you need to back it up! Marvel hit me up for a feature I couldn't decline on Party Pooper, some people made their comments but cru's caught my attention talking about ' he come in whack every time' so as one rapper to another I took as a declaration of warfare, so I loaded my ammo.


JW: Ha ha ha and you did take shots and it took BGF Hip Hop cycle with a storm. Do you think Cru is a coward for always playing hide and seek when he has to stand up for beef?

SK: It aint a diss but it’s a fact that nigga coward, but I don't want to run my mouth maybe he planning some Al Qaeda shit, to drop bombs soon.


For the love of music
JW: Let's hope he does that for the sake of Hip hop. So you still think he should come face to face with you, one stage one Mic?


SK: For sure, HIP HOP CARES event, if the people are down for it...?


JW: That's the spirit man. Now without fear or favour which BGF Mc do you think is on point /illest and who do you consider whack?


SK: I favour every rapper, individuals bring different sets of qualities to the game and fill the void, the illlest will have to be Taydos the RocKing Emcee without second guessing, shout to A-League look out for the EP, and nigga is just that good.


JW: Ok fair enough. I guess we not gonna hear Skillz labelling any rapper whack anytime soon. But I'm sure he'll murder any rapper coming for him?


SK: No doubt homie, I'll murder anyone in my way


JW: What is Skillz busy with currently, any new singles?


SK: I got a new single coming out next week called 'Nuthin' But Net', real bumpy ish, and one for potheads who enjoy trippy music, its titled 'S.D.A' Sex, Drugs and Alcohol featuring Abstract Narcortic, but does not have a date, coming soon though. Yeah look out for those


JW: We'll be on the lookout. Man we can go on and on. Is there anything your fans need to know about Skillz?


SK: Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.....Love


JW: Thanks for your time man. Keep bursting those rhymes.


SK: That's wassup! Thanks a lot for having me man, BGF HIP HOP GROW! Shout 013 Hip Hop
SkillZ feat Taydos The RocKing Emcee and Jay Soul Lost Identity -

SkillZ Taking Shots (Cru Mayor Diss)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

For the Hustlers

The purpose of business is making profit, but above all is self-establishment, creating opportunities and being business itself. Now business is the structure that is independent and loves every particle that helps it grow. I have a dream to see greater Records executives coming out of BGF, not only out BGF but also more outta hip hop cycle all across the world. So I’m going to share few tips of being not just a business man but business.
1 Be business
The reason I say be business is because many make a mistake of being too personal instead of business growth. Being business mean being able to identify the need in the area that is not your strong point and inject growth/strong vessel in it. If you not a CEO material don’t push yourself to be one but seek a relevant candidate to occupy; same as when you not a good producer, don’t push yourself because you’ll hurt the business. You cannot be everything when you not. I know to most people tittles and the status that mark that they in charge but it’s not worth it if it’s not taking business anywhere.
2 Do not dictate
Handling business is when you allow people under you to have a free role so that they may be productive. Most executives don’t allow their artists and producers to grow as individuals but seek to take credit for everything; I love what Jay did with Kanye and what Dre did with Eminem, Fiddy and others. Their strategy proved good business movement and meant money in the bank.
3 Grind for success
Success comes to the real hustler that knows the right moves and when to make them, you need to be able to identify gab that need to be filled I the game and make relevant moves quickly to fill the void.
4 Develop your interpersonal skills
This is very important because it determines leadership quality in you. Make sure that you train yourself to be a good listener and good in paying attention and actively notice others feeling, body language and words very attentively. This is how you will be able to play a good role of a leader without being personal when mediating and resolving conflicts.
5 Be financially disciplined
Business should be a top priority over the things that can tempt any business man. Many business men make a mistake of making business money their own pocket money and seek to maintain living large with it; that is a major fall of many businesses.  Be wise and create a reasonable salary that will not make you bigger than business.
6 Take calculated risks
This is about you being prepared for the occasional setbacks on small failures and sees them as growth opportunity against competitors. Take your risks carefully with a plan to venture into higher heights.
7 Seek a mentor
Develop a close relationship with a businessman whose career you would like to emulate. Be active on the social cycle and press on connecting with the relevant business people and your personal favourite. Search for business you consider successful and seek advices.
Keep hustling and handle your business.

Friday, May 15, 2015


He is the Lil chief of BGF hip hop, I hooked up with him on the net and this interesting conversation came up.

Thank you 013 Hip Hop for having me here. So honoured.

Jowise: Who is Lil chief (real name) and how did the name Lil chief come about?

Lil Chief: Lil Chief is a young, humbled, Hip Hop Cares award winning, passionate hip hop artist, whose real names are Phihlela Breyten Mashegoane. The name Lil Chief was given to me by my supporters back in high school when we used to host cyphers/freestyles after school behind the classes and they started calling me 'the Chief of rap,' and the 'Lil' is something like a 'junior,' people always ask 'what are you gonna call yourself when you grow up?' and I always tell them 'no matter how old I'm gonna be, I'll remain Lil Chief.'

JW: Where were you born (home town and vill/kasi)?

LC: I'm village boy and I'm so proud of that, I was born at Meclenburg Hospital (Moroke) in 1994 on the 5th of October in Burgersfort town.

JW: When and how did you enter the game? What inspire you as an artist?

LC: I started listening to Hip Hop at the age of 10, but I really fell in love with it in 2008 and I was 13. I was inspired by an American rapper known as T.I when he released the Paper Trail album in 2008. I knew his songs word to word, that's when I started writing my own lines, getting studio connections and all that. What inspires me as an artist is the gift of being creative, I'm honored to be blessed with such a creative mind and that inspire me the most. The support from my supporters as well, keeps me focused and motivated all day every day.

JW: which song you recommend as the masterpiece you ever voiced out?

LC: Uhm, All the Time, featuring Tumi. This is my first single and it says a lot about how deep I am in this music career. Hence I'm saying 'I do this all the time.' Shout out to Tumi and Lu-whizz beats out there.

JW: How will you describe your style of music?

LC: I used to do club bangers and trap hip hop but my upcoming album is gonna be totally different, it has music that involves emotions and feelings, especially about relationships and life in general. I guess I've grown enough musically to be rapping about things people can't relate to.

JW: What do you think about the Burgersfort movement/hip hop?

LC: Honestly, BGF hip hop has grown; I give a credit to all rappers raising bars, representing the town. But I'm not happy with the support and recognition, I feel like Burgersfort hip hop is not getting the spotlight it really deserves, I mean, the Tubatse municipality should be involved to help put our own town on the map; we can't do it alone without the support from our ground. I think Tubatse fm is not doing enough to put our music out there; this is a Burgersfort radio station, how about we keep it local? Most radio stations support their local musicians before other, why can't our own radio station play our music? We all in the same boat of raising the town at the end of the day.

JW: You must have the local (BGF) mc/mc’s that you respect, drop name/names?

LC:  Hahaha, let me see, uhm I respect Kaye Gee, I think he's one of the raising stars in hip hop in Burgersfort. His quality and delivery is out of this state. But I have a list of my good MC's in BGF, just to name a few, Turm, Prism, Nose, Monster Saint, Dizz, Cru and etc.
Doing what I love

JW: Who is your local (South African) artist and international you grew up listening to?

LC: Locally I grew up listening to Flabba and the whole Skwatta Camp, may his soul rest in peace. Internationally it has to be T.I, but I have a list as well.

JW: What can be done for the BGF movement to be a success like movements like motswako hip hop, DBN rocks etc.?

LC: We need the Tubatse Municipality to be involved, we need event organizers to consider hip hop on their line-ups, we need Tubatse fm to help us get our music known out there, we need good quality studios and support from Burgersfort people first before the whole world can start supporting us, they say 'charity begins at home,' and BGF is our home, let's begin here.

JW: What do you feel distinguish “an artist” from just a musician?

LC: The 'love of the art' itself distinguishes an artist from just a musician. Being an artist is when you put your whole heart in your art, doing it from love not because of fame, money and all that. Being an artist is something beyond the talent itself.

JW: What can be expected from Lil chief in the near future?

LC: Good music and nothing beyond that. I'm currently working on my first studio album, even though I'm not sure whether to name it an album or an EP(extended play) but I can assure you, whatever that is gonna be, it's dropping this year. There's gonna be a music video as well but I don't wanna confirm anything yet, I'm still on the process of planning all that.
From dusty stage aiming at the global top stage

JW: Do you think local municipalities and businesses support local talent?

LC: To be honest, no. I already said it, the municipality should be involved, at least if we could have 2 big events in Burgersfort each year, just like Hip Hop Cares but we need some events done by our municipality, I'm not talking about hip hop only but music in general. Ethekwini municipality is always involved in the Durban Rocks events, we need such support too. We have a lot of mines in BGF and I think they could put some hands in, I bet the town is gonna be recognized across the country, we need to see BGF artists on Channel O, MTV and those channels, but without great support, it's gonna be way too difficult to reach such levels.

Is there anything that your fans need to know about Lil chief and latest and any latest singles links.

LC: Many people keep wondering 'where in BGF is Lil Chief from?' Well, I'm from Motlolo Village, known better as Motville. Shout out to The 013 Hip Hop for having me here, I'm so much grateful. We are blessed to have such things in Burgersfort, to motivate us and spread our words out there. You can check me out on social networks, feel free to be part of Lil Chief Squad, Twitter: @LilChiefThaKiid, Facebook: Lil'Chief Tha'K, Facebook Page link:

Chief/238834099585357 and BBM: 2BD7D42C, BBM Channel: C003EF7A2. You can as well check out my music on the following links

Lil Chief ft. Tumi - All The Time(music video):

Lil Chief ft. Tumi - All The Time: http://

Lil Chief ft. Various BGF artists - BGF Movement:

Lil Chief - Dance For Me:

Lil Chief - Tuesday(remix):

Lil Chief ft. ThatBoy Dee - LowKey:

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Friends Like These (Keeping It Real)

Hip Hop is an independent structure that can be loved or hated. Once cats fall in love with Hip Hop; you cannot easily separate them from this structure. The BGF cats proved this week that when it comes to Hip Hop friendship takes hold and Hip Hop remain Hip Hop, the friends and people close to Cru Mayor showed some love to the game and did everything to push their boy to keep Hip Hop real and retaliate to Skillz shots. Skillz is surely enjoying the hype. Well he should be because he is the man that kept Hip Hop real and had cats to have something to look forward to in the game. Facebook was the ground of this whole Hip Hop madness friend took to social media to push buttons inside Cru to make a comeback.  This I the little of what happened and is till happening on Facebook.

 Well this morning Cru responded to one post that the shot did not kill him. that gave us hope. the question now is "Is Cru in the studio yet? can anyone confirm?

 The 013 Hip Hop.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Beef only and no salad (Taking shots. Is Cru down?)

Beef and player hating is another nature of hip hop; mcees from time to time needs to test each other skills and poke others to up their game. Now that’s hip hop. The growth of BGF hip hop cater all the aspects of the game, beef is in our midst and it doesn’t look like we gonna be having salad anytime soon. The beef that took 013 Hip Hop by storm lately is between Skillz and Cru Mayor. It all started with a track called Party Pooper in which Skillz was featured and after the track was shared online Cru Mayor spoke his opinion on Facebook as he usually does and has a reputation of doing so and said Skillz is whack and so Skillz took it as a challenge, to make sure it doesn’t become just a Facebook thing. Skillz challenged Cru to get on the mic, but as always Cru Mayor who is known for ducking diss tracks like he ducked Big Swazi saying he ain’t got time. Well it seems like this time he played around a wrong territory. Skillz released a diss track called TakingShots aimed at Cru Mayor with fiery Lyrics going like '' I scratch it up
Gush wounds and bloodily blisters/
Give him a Pizza Bike
He still won't be able to deliver/'' `` Get off Facebook and twitter/
Get on the microphone
And see who iller/
Doctor Skillz needs attention
Tell cru to reconsider/" `` Skinny boy ain’t eating
His fragile and thin
I ‘ma treat him like a pig
Breaks his ribs and tear him limb from
Limb" `` they say a man is what he eats
So let me slaughter a cow
Its tradition to start beef" and this track is doing rounds and trending on FB amongst BGF people and got funny memes

were created to hype the beef and it seems like this is the most entertaining beef so far and most people are saying Cru Mayor must respond and not duck this one and it seems like we might see this as he did a status saying he needs some studio time.

We are waiting to see if Cru can man up and come back after this one. 013 Hip Hop blog will bring every detail. Let’s go #013ThatsMyAreaCode

Download the song here

Man On The Throne.

N ose has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is the king of BGF hip hop. with his 2016 single from November Man mixtape #200, Nos...