Saturday, May 9, 2015

Friends Like These (Keeping It Real)

Hip Hop is an independent structure that can be loved or hated. Once cats fall in love with Hip Hop; you cannot easily separate them from this structure. The BGF cats proved this week that when it comes to Hip Hop friendship takes hold and Hip Hop remain Hip Hop, the friends and people close to Cru Mayor showed some love to the game and did everything to push their boy to keep Hip Hop real and retaliate to Skillz shots. Skillz is surely enjoying the hype. Well he should be because he is the man that kept Hip Hop real and had cats to have something to look forward to in the game. Facebook was the ground of this whole Hip Hop madness friend took to social media to push buttons inside Cru to make a comeback.  This I the little of what happened and is till happening on Facebook.

 Well this morning Cru responded to one post that the shot did not kill him. that gave us hope. the question now is "Is Cru in the studio yet? can anyone confirm?

 The 013 Hip Hop.

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Man On The Throne.

N ose has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is the king of BGF hip hop. with his 2016 single from November Man mixtape #200, Nos...