Wednesday, April 27, 2016

In Touch With Slunky X Da Silva

Wise: Good day fellas

Da Silva: Yep

Wise: What's up Da Silva?

Da Silva: Nun much n ya

[Slunky: Ey

Wise: ya’ll fellas ready?

Slunky: We can start

Wise: Ma ninjas. Tell us a lil history of Slunky and Da Silva. Who are they and what are they all about?

Da Silva: Ok what I can say about DaSilva x Slunky is we've been stuck together ever since we were young starting from preschool sharing classes n we started having this passion in grade 6

Wise: Damn y'all ninjas came a long way

Slunky: Ya

Da Silva: And the focus's we have is to make peeps enjoy hip hop mostly if you can listen to our tracks ....they are club bangers not that we are all about hype the time is still coming to make conscious hip hop

Wise: How do you maintain this good working relationship?

Da Silva: Ey man you know sometimes we have our arguments but we always settle our difference n find it that we make a good combo

Wise: Ok let me be clear on this, y'all can rock some conscious hip hop?

Da Silva: Yeah bra!!!

Slunky: Ja

Wise: Great stuff, I'm sure your fans can't wait to hear you guys drop some conscious equipped tape. I'm sure both of you had different reasons to try this rapping thing. What and who influence you guys?

Da Silva: Man a person who always had an effect on me is Drake I don't know about Slunky

Wise: Slunky?

Slunky: Lol bruh J Cole

Wise: I heard rumours on the streets that you guys has a joint called Pearl Thusi, how true is that?

Da Silva: Jahhh

Slunky: Lol ja but Emtee's pearl Thusi came after ours

Wise: Ok let me get it straight ait! What's the different between your joint and that of Emtee?

Da Silva: The difference is that bra our pearl Thusi style of rap is different than of Emtee n ours came out before Emtee's

Wise: So there's no funny business, ain't nobody stole another's art?

Slunky: Nah

Da Silva: Yeah dude great minds think alike they once said

Wise: Did y'all drop the joint or what?

Da Silva: Meaning pearl Thusi??

Wise: Yeah

Da Silva: Yeah we did n a lot of peeps seem to like it saying its better than of Emtee that's the peeps feedback not ours thou am a big fan of Emtee

Wise: Cool, Now coming to BGF hip hop. Who is kicking it for you guys?

Da Silva: Proly for me its iiixxxx proly the game is tight, For me lemme say A league and Genesis.

Slunky: Da 1 who's kicking it for me:Nose. Turm. Trey Mash. Jay’s king

Wise: What are you guys presently working on?

Da Silva: Planning on dropping our album mixtape TEN-uP

Wise: Who you gonna work with on the mix tape or it's strictly Slunky X Da Silva?

Da Silva: The mixtape is done already ft. Coopa, Jk mahon, Emag n Trey Mash

Slunky: it’s done. We got rappers who r featured there

Wise: What can be expected of you guys at hip hop cares?

Slunky: Well dude we proly expecting' trophies, performance etc. the rise to frame our quality sounds n else

Wise: This is going to be your first time performing at HHC right?

Slunky: Nah. Sec time but first was whack bruh. Plus Da rain disturbed

Wise: Oh ok. Da Silva, what's beef between you and Keallur?

Da Silva: Man this beef thing is because am dating this other chick n this chick is an ex of Keallur

Wise: You gonna battle him at hhc to settle this whole feud?

Da Silva: Yeah bra this dude been making my life a mess

Wise: Hahaha nice. Guys thank you for your time. We appreciate and celebrate Slanky x Da Silva, y'all keep banning...

Slunky: Tnx bruh

Da Silva: Thanks bra

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

In Touch With Jays Luk

 Got in touch with Jays Luk

Wise: Jays Ma man sup?

Jays Luk: Ey wassup brah

Wise: I'm collected ma guy, you up for an interview?

Jays Luk: Yeah sure brah

Wise: Ait shall we kick?

Jays Luk: Yeah no prob

Wise: Ma man, let's start with you introducing jays the emcee to us.

Jays Luk: Alright jays loved Hip hop ever since the age of 7 you know that brah n I started rapping when I was doing grade 8 I was 13 years old by then I was the weakest of em all past two years, I improved like hell so the second year I thought to myself that music will be my career so that's where Jays started n at now

Wise: Who influenced or played a major role in making you better your skills?

Jays Luk: No one I use to listen to Tyga a lot, so if I was influenced then he did the job

Wise: Who you listening to lately?

Jays Luk: Kendrick, J-Cole

Wise: Ma man, and in BGF who is on your top 5?

Jays Luk: Nose, Turm, monster saint, Prism, Hova

Wise: And who would you pay a million dollar to see them kicking their Game?

Jays Luk: Same guys I listen to er'day

Wise: You mean your above list?

Jays Luke: Lol nah I meant J-Cole n Kendrick but my above list won't be a waste those guys are going places trust me

Wise: Hahaha ok ma lil ninja. So you hitting up hip hop cares this winter?

Jays Luk: Yeah man am going to warm it up

Wise: From what I heard from a close friend of mine is that you up for a battle there?

Jays Luk: Yeah that's true.

Wise: Is there any specific rapper you wanna go one on one with or you just calling any emcee that is up for it?

Jays Luk: Yeah got few on mind...Kid Blezz I really wanna finish him up

Wise: Hahaha what is Blezz's crime?

Jays Luk: He annoys me

Wise: Ok ma ninja. That can be arranged if Blezz is up for it.

Jays Luk: Ayt then put him on

Wise: You worked with Nose later. How did the concept come up and why Nose?

Jays Luk: Ey Man I was hoping you would ask that.........Nose, Nose, Nose now this guy is a Beast none comparable this guy is amazing gentle n ambitious I choose Nose coz he’s creative he knows what he wants n he is a brother a true man I didn’t chose him because I just wanted to get the fame outta of him I choose him because he’s the greatest........My guy he’s the greatest that will make history believe that

Wise: Haha don't grow his head. And what are you currently working on?

Jays Luk: Well I was trying to do something but it ain’t cumin together the studio I recorded at its disappointing me so to be specific I ain’t got anyone who can help me with cooking my stuff

Wise: Let's hope something will come up man; we still wanna hear more of you. Finally listening to all the joints that you have heard, in your opinion who is the dope producer in BGF?

Jays Luk: Nose did some amazing stuff on Feel on It from there I haven't heard anyone who can compete

Wise: Man thank you for your time. We celebrate and appreciate your life. Shine even bright in the future.

Jays Luk: Thank you brah

Download Feel On it

In Touch With Kid Blezz

Got in touch with Kid Blezz.....

Wise: Ma man

Kid Blezz: awe

Wise: What's up?

Kid Blezz: it’s all good bra, your side?

Wise: I'm collected. Let's start with you telling us about Kid Blezz

Kid Blezz: well kid blezz it’s a turn up freak. I call myself the turn up prince because each and every song that I work on somehow ends up as a turn up track. Kid blezz means blessings, I used double Z’s cause lot of rappers call them self’s Blezz so I used it z just to have a lil freaky pronunciation

Wise: When did you get into this rapping game?

Kid Blezz: started at the age of 13, in 2011 that’s when the blezz in me was born

Wise: Ma man and who played a major role in influencing you as a rapper?

Kid Blezz: Drake. Since the day i started  listening  to Mr Ovo i started having that wanting  to be a rapper  thing, in every studio  I walked  in, give em a lil freestyle  everybody would  say I spit like Drake

Wise: And who in BGF are your top artists

Kid Blezz: The greatest of Bgf
Lil chief, Prism the Reason & Monster Saint
Chief makes good music my Gee no doubt 
Prism & Saint
I just seem to look up to their music & plan on working on a 5tracks EP with them
It’s gonna be weird to see 2 fire, infinite lyrics Rapper’s with a Turn up freak on an Ep but hey it's  all about  making  good music

Wise: Nice you planning an Ep?

Kid Blezz: yes will also be shooting a music video next month, Drops in September all though with the everyday matric hard work I will make sure I deliver to my fans

Wise: Ma man, we'll be waiting. And what are you gonna bring at HHC this winter?

Kid Blezz: I’m not planning to perform this year so ama bring
A camp chair, 2 expensive bottles n 5 bags of Chronic  turn up with the squad  just like them good old hhc's

Wise: There is a kid on the block who say he wanna challenge you on a battle at HHC. Jays Luk is the name...

Kid Blezz: lol.we once met I thought he had enough after that one night stand. If his really serious about it then I’m game

Wise: Hahaha ma man then game it is, now looking at BGF hip-hop. Do you think we on the right track or we still missing something?

Kid Blezz: yeah with new kids in the game it shows there is a movement in the game

Wise: Anything more you wanna share with us?

Kid Blezz: yeah gonna be performing at Thaba moshate this coming Saturday for The kingdom management Talent show
Download n share my latest single 
Kid blezz ft Chrizy-I got wee#
Shout out to you my nigga👊🏻

Wise: Ma ninja. Thank you for your time, we appreciate and celebrate your life. Keep representing BGF

Kid Blezz: awe

Monday, April 25, 2016

Corner Office (In Touch With Akeelah)

Our beloved charity organization hip hop care foundation recently appointed new board to steer this ship forward. Among the newly elected committee is our sister Akelang  Moropane AKA Akeelah. I got in touch with the first lady……..

Wise: Akeelah ma lady

Akeelah: hello

Wise: You good?

Akeelah: I’m great thanks yourself?

Wise: couldn’t be better, you good to go?

Akeelah: yea let’s do this.

Wise: ma lady, ok tell us a lil bit about Akeelah, who is she and what is she about?

Akeelah: Akeelah is a queen in her own right! Shs just a rural girl from Steelpoort with ambitions like every other 23 year old. She is about developing herself and people around her yet growing in all corners of life.

Wise: Nice, you've been appointed the deputy chair of hip hop cares foundation recently. How long have you been with the organization and what were you doing before your current appointment?

Akeelah: I've been with HHC since from its inception. I was there with them on almost every event, though I wasn't part of management! I was just a fan applauding from afar. Before my current appointment, I was only helping them with distributing the donations

Wise: Amazing from that to deputy chairperson. And how are you settling down on your new position?

Akeelah: I'm still trying to find my feet! The organization is very big. You can imagine what's expected of everyone to make events successful. It’s very stressful at times but I love every minute of it.. My team is amazing; they are very hands on and hardworking!

Wise: I can imagine. Since the organization is all about charity, giving to the community through hip hop art form. Do you think artists are doing enough to contribute in giving back to the community?

Akeelah: Personally I think they r doing nothing in giving back to their communities.. It’s organisation's like ours that forces them to come and contribute in giving back... On their own, they r doing zilch work in developing their communities

Wise: Are you having something in mind that can motivate them to try their level best, what I mean is does hip  hop cares have campaigns to have rappers share and understand their your mandate?

Akeelah: It's still very premature to go into details but HHC is expanding its horizons with a different change of scenery other than the one we r all used to. We are going BIG. We need rappers to understand that we can't do this without them! Hip Hop doesn't have to be about rap battles and has to go beyond that n let people know that Hip Hop Cares

Wise: Amen to that. I heard that we going to break the cold ko Uber lifestyle this winter: what influenced the decision to take the event back there?

Akeelah: HHC did a survey, interviewed people and judging on the response we got we decided we stick to Uber! Our last event in December (Uhuru) was almost a disaster...the place was too big, people were swimming in the middle of performances, and the sound was horrible to say the least. Uber is very intimate, the crowd can focus on one thing and the Uber management always makes sure our events run smoothly.

Wise: Ma lady. Are you satisfied with a number of feemces we have an BGF, I mean since you are a woman and holding a position many ignorant still believe it's for men, we also have those who believe hip hop is not for women

Akeelah: I can never be satisfied until we have Feemces only performing and going head to head during a HHC event haha. It's 2016 for god sake and women dominate in a men's world! Fifi cooper for example set the bar up high for us ladies in hip hop. I doubt people still hip hop as a genre for men only after that

Wise: Haha I wasn't calling for imbokoto spirit to manifest, any info from the organization that people need to be notified off?

Akeelah: We have a surprise for them and it will be revealed in due time. Like I said, we are going big! Our fans are gonna love this. Other than that! We Love our people for their unconditional support!

Wise: And last remarks from deputy chair lady?

Akeelah: Hip hop cares fully supports charities and schools in the Burgersfort area. I wish people could talk to us more and give us insight about their very own communities so that we don’t focus on one area! This organization is for people, it's not ANC thou but we are doing this for our communities. Lastly, thank you to everyone who supports HHC. We are who we are because of you.

Wise: Let me take this time to congratulate you on your appointment and thank you for talking to us. We celebrate and appreciate your life. Keep the light on.

Akeelah: Thank you

Friday, April 22, 2016

In Touch with Slabsta.

He is considered by many cats as a true cool, calm, collected and risky hustler, recently he was appointed one of the event management committee of Hip hop cares foundation.  The man is just unstoppable as he said on one of his hot single “can’t stop me”. His name is Slabsta, once again The 013 got in touch with the ninja on a short interview to learn more about his HHC appointment and other activities and this is he got to say.

Wise: Slabsta ma man what’s good

Slabsta: None much FAM you??

Wise: am collected, man let’s get to it hip hop cares revealed you as one of their board member. Take us through the journey of climbing this ladder, and what position you holding?

Slabsta: My first performance ever was at HHC2. I went there to perform my first single “Get Tipsy”, after that my music was no longer just a dream it came to life. I’ve always been a supporter of Hip Hop Cares Foundation because I really liked the idea of giving back through the art that we create, today I’m a member and part of event management. This came about this year when I decided I want to give back to my

Wise: so you on a team that will be overseeing the events?

Slabsta: (laugh out loud) Well the Chair oversees everything but as part of the committee we make sure that we bring the best event

Wise: Saying that, are you giving your word that the July gig is gonna be an epic?

Slabsta: I’m very positive dude so hell yeah!!

Wise: How are you guys marketing the event to reach audiences outside BGF radar?

Slabsta: Social media, radio stations, word on the street, all it takes FAM.

Wise: Are you lined up for any radio interviews, where and when can people tune in?

Slabsta: Yes actually I’ll be on Mogale Fm in Kagiso today from 15:30cat. Their frequency is 93.6

Wise: Any word from the organisation to the people?

Slabsta: Hip hop really cares. Watch out for Artizens of Jozi

Wise: Ma man, thank you for your time. All the best on your new duties, we celebrate and appreciate your life.

Slabsta: BGF in this thing.


@SLABSTA  Twitter


Wednesday, April 20, 2016


#SWENK is one of BGF biggest waves making songs At the moment and the man behind it is one of BGF finest rappers. his name is CzAr Molatudi. got in touch with man of the moment and this is how we kicked it.

Wise: Czar Ma man

CzAr: Yo

Wise:  what's up?

CzAr: Nix daso

Wise: I'm dope ma ninja. wanna kick an interview with you. you down?

CzAr: Lol as long as u promise not to shoot to kill

Wise: Lol my gun got jammed homie. so we clean.

CzAr: Then let’s handle my G

Wise: Ma man. First introduce CzAr. Who is the man behind the name and what is he about?

CzAr: Czar is a born artist who ventured into music sometime in 2010, that’s when he started taking the calling serious and stepped into studio to do his first song. The boi always rapped along almost too every song he loved and would have mimic battles from the age of 12. Czar is not just about music he's about the art itself, he does more than music and is not confined within one category but has more love the music as he was more exposed to the industry and music business

Wise: So you not in this game to fool around ?

CzAr: At first I wanted to rap for the fame and girls, till I got to Jozi and realized there's more to the music by hanging around with the artist, If you knew what I do behind the scenes, the deals me and my team are trying to close you would know that I’m in it for the long run, I’m trying to make a name for myself while I also make a living, my aim is to leave a legacy coz I know these genes will be passed on

Wise: Ma man right about now I'm hearing a devoted artist. Keep the spirit ma,  if you brave enough you can attempt telling us where you see yourself in 5 years from now.

CzAr: From what I've learned about how shallow this industry I honestly wouldn’t know as to the limits I’m willing to overcome but what I know is I would have established movements which I plan to execute, I would have influenced a lot of hearts, I see myself growing and learning more in the next 3 years I see myself way bigger than I am right now though, fan base wise coz my music is slowly breaking out of Burgersfort

Wise: Talking about your music breaking out of BGF. How do you put yourself out there, what is your formula? Maybe someone outchea is waiting to hear from the right source and start kicking such moves

CzAr: If I had the right formula my guy I would be where I wanna be, it’s just about having a team, that has the same vision as you, people who will make plans and hustle for you when you are away or asleep but the simplest way is to get a PR if you have money they will do all the promo work for you and you'll have more time to focus on making the music

Wise: Your new joint Swenk is making big waves, tell us about it.

CzAr: Swenk is a collabo I did with Thando aka Stiggz, it was previously my song alone called Mansa Musa I had a different chorus verses and all, I played it for Thando he loved the beat and we managed to remake the song and still managed to keep the Mansa Musa concept of
reprising an ancient black legend who was the richest man on the planet that even donated half of his wealth to the Europeans, as u hear in the bridge, we say we want to ball like him and be the golden boys (comes from the original song) so that we can also flash our wealth and let people know that even black people can be that wealthy since our people are suppressed and programmed into believed they were born to struggle..Swenk is basically saying you too black brother can ball and have all you want one of our fellow ancestors has done so can you

Wise: Ma man. Now let's talk BGF hip hop. You’ve been vocal about the division and lack of unity. What should be done to orchestrate unity?

CzAr: I asked for help from BGF hip hop but all they did is continue fighting and shaming us on the same status update, I’m focusing on me now bro

Wise: Haha so you giving up?

CzAr: I’m focusing my energy on things that will help me grow not stress me any further, It’s not like I was talking to teenagers, I have shared my vision with the guys I’m expecting change if they don’t ever see it I will continue walking my path u feel me? Giving up sounds really negative

Wise: Ma man I hear you. Who is the rapper or any man involved in the movement you respect their way of hustle?

CzAr: Generally? J.Cole I look up to him, the things he faced, the way he had to knock on one door several prints when Jay Z wouldn’t even take his CD, now he's his Prodigy, and locally that nigger Slabsta, that nigger of mine is a risk taker he inspires me Trey Mash too, they see
beyond the music

Wise: and which BGF rapper is your most listened. The one who don't miss your playlist?

CzAr: King Obbs and ABN

Wise: Ma man. Anything you wanna share with fans?

CzAr: Yeah I would appreciate it if they really supported us, shared our music and made people listen to it, support us the way they support the guys who have already made it , give us feedback on our songs so that we feed them what they want and help ourselves grow

Wise: Good point my guy; feedback will really help and show great interest. Man thank you for your time we celebrate and appreciate you.

CzAr: I should be thanking you for recognizing a nigger

Wise: Ma man

CzAr: Awe

Follow on Facebook CzAr O'Driego
Download Swenk

Man On The Throne.

N ose has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is the king of BGF hip hop. with his 2016 single from November Man mixtape #200, Nos...