Wednesday, June 17, 2015

In Touch with Slabsta

I Got in touch with one of the kings of BGF Hip hop Percy Slabsta. And this is how our little chit chat went.

Wise: Ma man. Let's jump into it. The name Slabsta! How did it come about?
Slabsta: Haha funny..Numero and I linked up back in '06 December when he wanted a girl I was schooling with. We then became friends because music united us. He taught me virtual dj. Back then he went by the name "profab" so I wanted a name that could go with that so Slab just stuck. After 2 years of virtual dj I remember sometime in grade 9 I lost a phone so I borrowed one from Dizz (he probably forgot) we had a chat on Mxit and he called me "slabsta". Told him I liked it and from there slabsta was born.
Wise: Oh Ok so it all started with virtual dj, House or Hip hop? And tell us about your love for Hip hop, when and where did it all start?
Slabsta: My love for HIPHOP started when I was 10. I remember my pops had a dvd in the house but it couldn't play because the wires were twisted. I somehow managed to fix it. Started writing cd’s and bumping the likes of 50cent & Gunit, bow wow, Jayz and a lil bit of proverb just to name a few. When Numero introduced me to virtual Dj I fell in love with mixing house and Hip hop/rnb.

Wise: Ha ha ha ha ha we forgive you for piracy. Now who is your favourite rapper of all time?
Slabsta: It has to be Jigga 10 hours ago ·
Wise: and who do you think is killing it in BGF. Beside you off course
Slabsta: Honestly I feel Turm is killing it; from the lyrics to the beats. Homie got it all.
Wise: and you made it to the 013 Hip hop kings list. What do you think of the list and who do you think deserve to be on the list and were left out?
Slabsta: Well it’s obvious that the list was someone's opinion. I mean if it was someone else I'd probably be off so I have nothing much to say about the listing. Czar & triggah (manix) deserved to be on the list and Kzone too.
Wise: Ma man thanks for the input we'll look at the list.
We'll follow their works. Now do you have cats that you consider whack, on what grounds if there are any?
With Lil chief and K'zone
Slabsta: Yoggy bar, termbar, etc. I don't understand what they are trying to say.
Wise: Ha ha ha just like that? 9 hours ago
Slabsta Lough out loud; you asked a question and I answered. Next
Wise: Ha ha ha ha Ok! What do you think BGF Hip hop lack for it to make a good mark in the global standard and what can be done to achieve that?
Slabsta: Honestly we lack support. I'm sure I'm not the first artist to say this. If we want BGF HIPHOP to make it globally we need to fully support those who really deserve it. Event organizers need to open more space for HIPHOP at events. Local radio stations need to put us on. Our municipality needs to recognize local talent and provide platforms. 9 hours ago · we artists need to work together where we can and support the movement as well.
Wise: Elaborate more. Pass this message to be clear to your fellow artists.
Slabsta: I feel the support starts within ourselves (artists) if we fail to support each other the people won't. I mean most niggas got studios now, most niggas do beats now. We need to collaborate more and put in that work. 9 hours ago ·
Wise: I feel you on that. So what are you busy working on right now? Slabsta: My confidence. ·

Wise: ha ha ha ok that wasn't expected. What can be expected outta you @ the HHC4 if you gonna be there?
Slabsta: Performing my new track "can't stop me" for the first time.
Wise: done I’m sure you can’t wait to rock the mic. Tell your fans more of what they need to know about you
Slabsta: (Lough out loud) fans?? I'm not that big. But to those who like slabsta they must know that I'm a creative ready to change lives through my art.
Wise: ha ha ha ha you'll be surprised how many fans you have out there. Ma man thank you for your time and all the best on your journey

Slabsta: Awe.

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