Tuesday, June 9, 2015

In touch with Taydos

The growth of Burgersforf Hip Hop lies on the hands of hard working Emcees, Cats that are found all over and their creativity don’t cease. This cat right here Taydos TheRocking Emcee is just a man to take the movement to another level. He is hard working and keeps droppin joints and Google don’t miss his name and work. The013 got in touch with him and man it happened.

Wise: Ma man. I'm sure one thing the pips and I would like to know is that little history of Taydos. Take us through in and outta the rocking Emcee.

Taydos: Short story.. Taydos The RocKing Emcee, government name Thato Prince Boshego was born and raised in Soweto, Zone 2, Spent most my life in the West Rand. Pops is from BGF and that's how I ended up in the 013

Wise: Now that's what I'm talking about. The love of Hip hop man; when did that bug sting you? Under who's influence?

Taydos: Okay the first real exposure I got was from my brother. A big hip hop lover, so all I ever heard playing was hip hop. So from a young age I was boss at rapping other peoples verse, caught them quick! Then in grade 5 we had talent show and I and my niggas decided to rap. Wrote my first verse round bout then. Fast forward>> I couple years and in high school I started recording music. My very first producer was thee Faceless, he was influence in mentor way. There was a group my niggas older brother was in, Fine-tunes. They influenced everyone!! Kinda opened the way for us. Made us realize that even if you a school kid and shit, you can still get in the booth and rep what you love
And here you are doing your thing.
Wise: Let's talk Taydos the business man. The A.league, How did it start; where does the business part of you coming from?
I'M Business man. The Actuall-
League is my establishment.

Tydos: Okay I came up with idea when I studying sound. At first it was kinda like a group, but then a friend of mine told me to always think bigger so I started a label. It’s my brain child but along with my cousin Scoop Trilla and my day one nigga Blubox we made it a brand or label or sorts. I and Blu where the first but we've grown since then. The A now has its own studio, owns a PA System, has a clothing label in the works and boast dope as artists like NOSE, Abstract Narcotic, SkillZ even our own female emcee! Oh yeah and the "actuall" in The A.C.T.U.ALL League is an acronym "Artistic Cats That Utilize ALL"
Wise: That's inspiring man. So what are the ups and downs of running business in a small town like Burgersfort?
Taydos: The hardest thing for me if something I call 'POP'.. POP goes two ways. Sometimes you put Passion over Profit and sometimes you put Profit over Passion. I put my passion over everything and that just makes the job harder cause some people don't fully understand what you tryna accomplish or where coming from.. So meeting those great minds that think alike is hard but the ups is I think BGF is still young you feel? So there's potential for practically anything and everything!
Wise: Yeah I see a lotta potential. Man you are known to be one of the kings of BGF Hip hop. I spoke to lotta people and your name keeps poppin up. Now today I want you to hook me up with top five of your kings, well excluding yourself of course
Taydos: Hahaha nobody seldomly tell me shit.. But yeah my top 5 neh, can't sang really.. But okay, I'd say Nose, Prism, Turm, Blu, Fess & Monster Saint I know its 6 but on the real those I niggas I would pay for sixteen lol but ask me again in five minutes and I bet you the list will change again. Cause that's like Genesis and two Actuall League niggas! Sounds bias but in all honestly I think its cause Bothanes just that hot!! And from those niggas I know I'll get more than just three links a year. Them niggas put in work.

Wise: Ha ha ha ha ha Ok I see. And who do you think makes and can make a battle Mc?
Taydos: I think any mc can be a sick as a battle cat.. Not if you like Cru Mayor though cause you need balls! With balls, bars and confidence most cats that can kill a verse will kill in a battle. But like everything experience counts too.. But I believe every emcee should be able to battle, it’s a part of the culture. I'm no battle cat, but I'll smack any wack ass that deserves it.
Wise: Ha ha ha ha ha so any cat should think twice before coming for you?
Taydos: Haha lemme say if I was Cru Mayor, SkillZ wouldn't even have had to wait no more than a day for a reply. Then I'd battle him still for good measure
Wise: Ha ha ha ha I see you've got cojones man and Damn you earning my respect; so you one of those who label Cru a coward?
Taydos: Hahaha look I think Cru is coward because he made hip hop look bad. We all have opinion that's cool, but the reason people don't always say shit is cause people out there just ain’t got the cojones to stand up to the consequences their opinions bring. Now Cru fronts like he got the cojones but clearly he just fronts well.. Cru is a coward because he made hip hop look bad. Even now everybody talks smack about him and his still acting like Skillz just tickled his belly, grinning on Facebook when the whole hip hop culture is looking at him in straight disappointment. I think his action with the Skillz diss just proved how much he is a rapper and not an emcee, yeah does a lil hip hop bout really I don't think the cultures in him

Wise: Done. My hope is to see the man coming not after SkillZ but after any Hip hop cat and fans that disrespected him. You hit 'em type like and show Hip hop the middle finger. That's what Hip hop loves
Tydos: Exactly.. Cause now it’s not likes SkillZ dissed him. It’s like he exposed a great flaw in Cru Mayor that other are gonna use against him, that’s why these memes. Peeps know you won't do none. That's why everyone talks smack, peeps know you won't do none.
Wise: Man you talking Hip hop. So are you heading to HHC? What can be expected from you?
Taydos: I'll be all bout hip hop.. Yeah I'm mos def. rocking HHC, with the whole team of course. The A, plans to shut shit down!! From me people can expect whole lotta music!! Me and Nose might be working on a joint mixtape or EP or something.. I’ma be killing it with a bunch savages with Fess' Typa Dude Remix.. People must expect a bunch of things from the The Actuall League pre HHC mos def... But in terms of hard core project, I'm in the lab almost every day, you never know. Oh yeah I peeps can check out my mixtape, Grand Entrance, Google me lol.

Wise: Man you rich in Hip hop and we are very thankful to have you in BGF. I'm looking forward to witness more and more of your work. I'm no 0 fan.
Taydos: Haha props to you brother, I appreciate the time my guy. I’m Thankful for any platform to run my mouth.
Wise: Ha ha ha ha I hope you don't become Cru's victim for this. But Hey this is Hip hop, no man is immune

Taydos: Haha if I does, it will actually land him in my good books, cause its hip hop

Halla @ Taydos The-Rocking Emcee-Boshego on Facebook
Twitter Handle @TheRockingMC 

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