Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Stay Strong Or Drop The Mic

I say it again. Hip hop ain't for the faint hearted. Everything you say in Hip hop is either expanding or exposing your territory; Hip hop heads are the most attention paying beings. On things they do best is to never to miss any word or act, this is the reason why when you in Hip hop you either speak and act what will build respect or  demolish it. Haters are everywhere and you cannot control them, as a rapper you just better know that not everyone will love what you do and not everyone will hate what you do. Even whack rappers have friends and fans on their corner. A dope rapper can defend a whack rapper for a good friendship (shout out to'em) a whack rapper can identify a whack rapper (shout out to them) a dope rapper can go against a doper rapper and call him inja'e whack (whack dog). Friendship goes into wreak havoc because of lines on the joint, interviews, word of mouth, social media etc. It's is Hip hop, the centre of self-expression; people will express themselves whether you like it or not it's human nature Anyway. I say it again and again. It's Hip hop, you can sell million copies/be a multi awards winning rapper and still have a headache of hearing people labelling you whack. You can be one of the dope rapper but still have a headache of not reaching lot of
audiences. Its Hip hop, some choose to love it and some choose what it can do for them, if you can't stand the heat. Drop the Mic. Everyone is allowed to; don't carry unnecessary pressure if you ain't a brave heart. Just announce your outro and throw the damn Mic away. The brave heart will hold on to the Mic and take all the garbage thrown at them and then see what they do
with it after digestion. There are those who know how to throw garbage on others but they cannot stand up for the vomit caused by their very own garbage, if you can't stand the vomit then don't start nothing. It's Hip hop where a mere word like "Ya'll can't tell me nothing" can cause enmity, where a punchline or a metaphor can be misunderstood and open doors for lotta enemies. So if a rapper doesn’t expect such things to happen on his or her path. There is only one solution. Drop the Mic or man up and be Hip hop.

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Man On The Throne.

N ose has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is the king of BGF hip hop. with his 2016 single from November Man mixtape #200, Nos...