Monday, July 27, 2015

Understanding Beef

What is beef? Most people be looking at rappers and think rappers loves beef and stuff like they always have issues. What you see in rappers is not really beef but the outcomes of beef and settling them in self-expression and wordplay. If you wanna know what beef is you better start looking around because beef is what we live every day, poverty is beef because there are some minority rich niggas who maintain and guarantee it for their own gain, now that's beef. Hearing your folks telling you they can't get you what you want because they broke, seeing your aunts not talking to each other. Growing up with your family having those neighbours they telling you not to enter their yards or to be careful around them; now that's beef. Beef is when you watch news and see cross fire in the Middle East, seeing an infant sitting next to his lifeless folks. If you wanna know what beef is tune to parliamentary channel and hear niggas neglecting the mandate of building the country and start chasing power and money. Beef is unemployment; beef is everyday protest, from ordinary citizens to trade unions. Beef is when protesters start vandalizing the very same services they fighting for. Beef is those villages where clean running water is luxury. Hip hop is the establishment that understand what beef is and handles it by taking it into rhythm and put poetic words to it.
 That is why I always say Hip hop is not for the faint hearted. It's for the people who understand it and acknowledge the power of settling issues on the beat. And still go and perform on the same platform. But the faint hearted turn everything into that situation of aunts not talking and visiting one another. That is not Hip hop. Real niggas beef on the same producer's beats. Be under same management and change same studio sessions. It is Hip hop. They that don't understand mess up this beautiful establishment, We have situations on the BGF Hip hop whereby we have couple of misunderstandings and when people has to handle them on the beat the decide to keep the beef in their fridge. Trust me I'm cool with any rapper around and I dream nothing but to see BGF Hip hop going beyond our boundaries. And I will come up against anything that will stop us from growing.

Most people be saying beef is boring and ain't good for us as if we do not have differences. We are humans we have feelings and emotions and if we do not use this platform called rhythm and poetry to express and settle our differences trust me we'll never grow but will have niggas trippin all over, making good music but not talking to one another, blocking one another, being straight gossips and all and that will remain unresolved beef and stupidity. We'll keep on steppin on one another's toes not knowing what the other party don't like or uncomfortable in. We will never get used to niggas who don't stop running their mouth and we'll never acquire skill to keep them quiet; beef is when issues remain unresolved and evolve to violence. But real niggas manned up and went on the beat and ate their smoked beef together and become friends afterwards. Rhythm and poetry is about expression and gaining respect and passing the message through. If you think Hip hop is bad then you better start looking around you because beef is real life we living every day. Listen to Beef by MosDef Now known as Yasiin Bey.

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